1. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a global non-governmental organization aimed at ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and other situations of violence. ****You can donate here.
  2. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian aid, relief, and development non-governmental organization that has been working in Syria since 2012. You can donate **[here](https://help.rescue-uk.org/syria-turkey-crisis-up?_ga=2.85577753.1671134478.1676224345-1640224602.1676224345&_gl=1*cl5ffj*_ga*MTY0MDIyNDYwMi4xNjc2MjI0MzQ1*_ga_DDZCWB8N2Y*MTY3NjIyNDM0NS4xLjEuMTY3NjIyNDM2NC40MS4wLjA.).**
  3. Direct Relief is a nonprofit humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance and disaster relief in the United States and internationally. You can donate here.
  4. AFAD is Türkiye’s official disaster and emergency management authority. They are accepting donations in EUR and USD here.
  5. AKUT is a voluntary, non-governmental organization involved in searching, assisting, and rescuing victims. They are accepting donations in EUR and USD here.
  6. Turkish Philanthropy Funds have created the Turkiye Earthquake Relief Fund to provide immediate support. TPF is one of the most reliable and trustworthy foundations serving the Turkish-American community. You can donate here.
  7. Turkey Mozaik Foundation has created the Kahramanmaras Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund. They provide funding for charities, projects, and programs through fundraising activities in the UK. You can donate here.